Crazyface Young Women

Crazyface Young Women
2 years ago posing in the sunset and loving the peach orchard and girls around us!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

So, last week my mom took everyone school shopping at Fred Meyer, which sucked. Q [4] wanted everything she could and couldn't get her hands on, especially if in involved My Little Pony in some way, shape or form. The same goes for Princess [7], even though she's older and should be able to restrain herself somewhat, she either can't or doesn't. The boys were actually okay, except for when Bubba [9] was picking out shoes. You could probably hear the screams of "BUT I WANT SOME TOO!!" from across the store (coming from Boo [10]).Anyway, i got some new folders that are loverly and all different colours, along with notebooks to (sort of) match. But as nice as they look, they seem kinda plain, so I wanted to decorate them somehow, and decided to do that by drawing things! Hooray! Seriously though, I wanted to draw something different for each folder and tape it in with packing tape (so that the drawing stays protected, but i don't have to laminate it). I didn't quite know what to draw, so i went about my day, and came across an artice on Facebook. It was called "10 Traumatic Disney Moments (Besides Bambi's Mother Being Shot)", so, me being me, I decided to read it. I came across a picture from one of my top 3 Disney movies: Mulan. You know that part after "A Girl Worth Fighting For" when it's all sad. Well, there's the part of that scene where it shows the little girls doll sitting up against the sword, and I thought, "I love that movie and that shot. I will probably butcher it, but I'm drawing that." So that's what I've spent a great portion of my day doing.

I really don't like how the body turned out, but this was the best i could get it to. I'm thinking that i will probably finish it tomorrow, and i will probably post a finished picture when I'm done. Honestly though, now that I'm looking at it, I realize I have a lot left to do. Ah, well. That can be done tomorrow. (And if you're wondering about the red background, it's a tip I got from a drawing show I follow on youtube, and they do that to make sure that they color everything. It actually works really well.) 


  1. Love it, Stoney! Actually it is a very good picture! in all reality, i thought that it was the real one--but that's not saying much as i'm not a talented artist. great post!

  2. Yeah good job Stonie!! You're a super good artist!
