Crazyface Young Women

Crazyface Young Women
2 years ago posing in the sunset and loving the peach orchard and girls around us!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Labor it up!!

Feeling bored lately--seriously, all I do each day for work is filing crap, inputting crap, and working on a computer like crap! haha it's not really all that bad, but I do wish i had a day off or two. I'm a bit of a drama queen. Hey, at least I can admit it!

There is still hope (at least for one more day)!!! I get a day off of work for Labor Day! Yay for September 1st!
I read that Labor day is just the opposite of what it is called; it's an honor for those who labor-LIKE ME!!!! yipee! I deserve this! hahaha

"Labor Day was borne out of the U.S. labor movement toward the end of the 19th century when workers sought better working conditions, fairer wages and union representation. There is some debate over who is the true founder of the holiday. For much of history, Peter McGuire, the founder of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, was credited as the founder of Labor Day. Sources say that McGuire stood in front of the New York Central Labor Union on May 12, 1882 to declare that a day be set aside to celebrate the nation's workforce.
At any rate, the first Labor Day holiday was signed into law in Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Oregon in 1887. The ordinance passed in many of the other states through the years, and on June 28, 1894, Congress declared the first Monday in September as Labor Day."

~Laura Rosenfeld
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Anyway, my labor day should be long as my dad doesn't make me work! just kidding, no, i am not one of those teenagers. yes, i know how to work--hence my happiness towards Labor day. ;) I'll fill y'all in on my day next week!

Guess what i'm doing?! I'm working on my LDS mission papers!! I have no idea where i'm going to go, what language i will speak, or how this will all end up, but i do know that my Heavenly Father will assist me! I'm super stoked, and super scared, but i have many friends that have been helping me to decide on what's the best way to go. While i do listen to them, my main decision was made by myself--as well it should be! If you are debating about a mission, don't let others influence you (let them help you, just not influence), it is a private matter between you and your Heavenly Father. 

(questions about this post? go to or ASK THE MISSIONARIES!  ...or me... because i'll be one soon! ;) )

Well, gotta scram!

Remember why we have Labor day and praise the heavens above that it is a day off of work (tell your parents that when they are forcing you to do chores--i'm sure they'd love it!)!!

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